SPSA - School Plan for Student Achievement
The Single Plan for Student Achievement is a document that serves as a guide to the school to ensure student achievement in a variety of areas, including English, Math and English Language Programs, among others. Click on the PDF file below to read the document. Unfortunately, it is in English only. Spanish SPSA coming soon.
The Single Plan for Student Achievement is a document that serves as a guide to the school to ensure student achievement in a variety of areas, including English, Math and English Language Programs, among others. Click on the PDF file below to read the document. Unfortunately, it is in English only. Spanish SPSA coming soon.
A School-Parent Compact for Student Achievement is an agreement that parents, students and teachers develop together.
It explains how parents and teachers will work together to make sure all students reach or exceed grade-level standards.
The Parent & Family Engagement Policy (PFEP) is a document that several stakeholders take part in developing it. This policy describes how the school will support and increase parent involvement.